Saturday, May 8, 2010

Looking Back

Old posts from another blog that I want to keep here:

Date:2007-05-13 22:12
Subject:The sky
The girls and I lay on a blanket outside in the sun, and Ella flips up her dress. I see the sky above me - the blue, blue sky scattered with flecks of white, patchy clouds. Ella's underwear ARE the sky.
Ella had awoke that morning with excitement in her voice - "Mamma! I didn't know I had SKY underwear!" They used to be blue, but I accidentally bleached "clouds" all over them...I suppose mistakes don't always end up for the worse.

Date:2007-04-11 08:44
Subject:A Note from Ella
yaac ("That spells yak.") 1234567890 (My 1-2-3's")
azxqe ("That's a funny word.")
ella ("My name") rtghnjj ("Fruit Loop in Spanish")
cef ("The last letter in BSF") ykkjnhgtrz ("That means Fish in Spanish")

Date:2007-01-24 19:20
Ella: "I had a camera dream. I had a spilled peanuts dream. And I had a girl dream."

Date:2007-01-24 19:16
Subject:growing up
Daddy: "It's tough growing up, isn't it?"
Ella: "Yes, it is... Actually, I don't know yet."

Date:2007-01-23 15:44
Subject:Ella's looking forward to school
"There are different ways you can go to school. You can walk. You can ride your bike. You can take the bus. You can ride a camel."

Date:2006-11-08 09:32
Ella looked outside and said, "This is a gray day that God made...God makes yellow days and gray days."

Date:2006-11-07 22:29
Erin's talking more and more. Every time she sees an animal or a picture of an animal, she perks up and says, "MOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I love her! She just adds so much to life.

Date:2006-10-04 08:46
full: when you grow up
Bible: the word of God's life
pumpkin: it has a seed on it and it's round and it has stripes and eyes and a nose and it's for halloween
car: if they're little and pretend, they grow up into real cars
pretzel: a shape like a pretzel
life: the whole meaning of Christmas
death: the meaning of life
swimsuit: if you put the swimsuit on, you pretend like you're swimming

Date:2006-09-26 23:08
I strap Ella into her car seat, and, instead of saying goodbye to a friend, she says, "I have three swimsuits."
A week later. Ella steps out of the car. "Hippos really do swim."
Do you see a correlation?

Date:2006-09-19 15:29
Subject:Ella's bound to be either very smart or terribly confused
Ella asked, "Daddy, can I watch a movie?
Daddy said, "Well, technologically speaking, we have the capacity."

Date:2006-09-05 23:07
Subject:Yo, Kids
Lines up four bottles of Elmers glue.
"Taaaaaw" (A mother's interpretation: "I built a tower.")
Knocks them down.
"Aaah dow." (A mother's interpretation: "I made them all fall down!")

Ella (In the restroom at a gas station):
"I peed, Mom!"
Hears someone toot two stalls down.
"What's that noise, Mom?"
Mom does not answer.
"Did you hear that noise, Mom?"
Mom does not answer and tries not to laugh.
"It was like pppppppppppp."
Mom stoops down and profusely tries to shush her.
"Like pppp pp p ppppp pppp." (starts singing and pppp'ing with her lips)
Mom starts laughing. Can't hold back any more.

Date:2006-03-22 13:38
Subject:More "Ella-isms"
Ella: "Don't sing, Mommy."
Mom: "Why don't you want me to sing? Singing makes me happy."
Ella: "No, Mommy. Cows make you happy."

Ella: "Can I have a bite?" (of my sugar-free chocolate bar, renown for causing gas if you eat too much)
Mom: "No, Ella. It will make you toot." (such wisdom)
Ella: "I can toot all by myself, Mommy. Can I have a bite?" (even more wisdom)

Date:2005-11-28 20:34
"I need some cowsmetics." And she brought me a stuffed cow.

"I am tired. I need to pretend to take a nap."

"No, don't wash my hair." I leave. "Mama! Come wash my hair."

Date:2005-10-03 17:47
Subject:Crawling Around
I think I can say it's official. Erin's crawling now. She's chased a piece of paper around the room - she finds it, slimes it, I move it away, she finds it again, slimes it again, and the process continues. What fun.